Region 8 Fall Seminar
Beezer's Bar & Grill 1235 Water Ave., Hillsboro, WI, United StatesNRLCA P/T ADR Jon Moore will be in attendance.
NRLCA P/T ADR Jon Moore will be in attendance.
NRLCA P/T ADR Amy Dorner will be in attendance.
NRLCA F/T ADR Billie Jo Briese will be in attendance.
NRLCA P/T ADR Jon Moore will be in attendance.
NRLCA F/T ADR Billie Jo Briese will be in attendance.
NRLCA DR Greg Dietzler will be in attendance.
In the Garden Room NRLCA F/T ADR Louan Friend will be in attendance.
At the Park Lodge NRLCA F/T ADR Louan Friend will be in attendance
NRLCA P/T ADR Amy Dorner will be in attendance
Location TBD