NRLCA 2022 National Convention, Orlando, FL #2: Military Presentation
Watch for our very own, Dennis Nelson, WI AFVC President at 2:22 of the video
WIRLCA Past President, Ron Berg, spearheaded a campaign to honor Eugene Moran at this year’s National Convention in Orlando Florida. His efforts lead to the POW/MIA flag advancement being dedicated to Gene’s U.S. Army Air Corps service, in WWII. Gene was captured after his aircraft was shot down. He survived a 28,000-foot crash, severe injuries, and captivity and returned home to carry a Rural Route in Soldiers Grove WI. Eugene passed away in 2014 but, through Ron Berg’s determination, his legacy will continue to live-on!
WIRLCA AFVC President Dennis Nelson advancing the POW/MIA flag at the 116th National Convention in Orlando, FL on Sept. 6, 2022. (Photo by
Armed Forces Veterans’ Club
The Armed Forces Veterans’ Club is probably most recognized for their efforts of raising scholarship money for the relatives of Rural Carriers who are continuing their education beyond high school. While this is true, The AFVC has expanded their community outreach in the last several years by participating in the Wreaths Across America project in a couple of different locations. The one with the most members attending is the Veterans Cemetery in Spooner, Wisconsin.
Another location is at the South New Hope Church in the town of New Hope in Portage County. This is the one I have been involved with for the last few years. Historically we always started the program in the church basement with a program explaining the goals of WAA and how the project was started. Attendees are mostly, but not exclusively, relatives of the veterans who are buried in the cemetery. After the program wreaths are placed on the veterans graves, usually by the relatives of the veterans. The veterans names are said out loud and we thank them for their service as the wreaths are placed.
This year we made a couple of changes to our program. We had a “roll call” of the veterans, and rang the church bell once after each name was read. Two of the guests also had relatives (veterans) who had passed away recently and asked that their names be added to the roll call and the bell was rung for them as well.
Another new addition this year was the playing of “Taps” at the end of the program, compliments of the Iola, Wisconsin Legion Post.
We plan on continuing with the changes going forward, and invite more participation from our members, both at South New Hope and at the Spooner location. We will seek other locations where members may attend this event that will be closer to your location. Anyone may on their own seek out cemeteries and churches that are participating, and will likely be invited to join them.
This can be a very moving and emotional event and we encourage everyone to consider attending if you can.
As always, anyone who is not a member and would like to join the AFVC can send their dues to Marilyn LaPorte at the address below.
Roger L. Dobbe-AFVC Vice-President
Veterans are used to doing everything, they possibly can, to benefit someone else. They were willing to risk their lives to protect others. They left their homes, family and friends – to do whatever our Country required. The Nation asked and the military has always delivered!
Delivering is something that all WIRLCA members understand. You’ve made sacrifices to benefit; the customers on your route, the mailers (who depend on your quality service), the Postal Service and your family. Does everyone appreciate your efforts? Whether they do…or don’t – whether they “thank you”, or not, you will continue to perform your duties. You deliver because “that’s what Rural Carriers do” (and, because other people count on you).
Now, I’m going to ask you to assume an additional role – that of an Armed Forces Veteran’s Club member. I know that you can handle it! There’s really only one thing that you must do – send a $10 check to Marilyn LaPorte (address below). After you join, you can decide how much involvement you want to have in the Club.
Veterans, Rural Carriers and Armed Forces Veterans’ Club members will continue to do “what we do best” – DELIVER. The AFVC Clubs’ primary mission is to provide funding to WIRLCA members’ children and grandchildren, to assist them in the pursuit of a higher education. The more members we have, the more kids we can help.
You (and/or your Auxiliary-member spouse) do NOT need to be a veteran, to join the AFVC. You just need 10 bucks and a desire to deliver. I know that you have both of those things.
Did this article make you conjure-up an image of James Montgomery Flagg’s 1917 poster of Uncle Sam pointing his finger and saying “I Want YOU”? Probably not, but I really would like YOU to become a member of the AFVC.
Dennis R. Nelson, President AFVC
Your Armed Forces Veterans’ Club members participating in “Wreaths Across America” @ Northern Wisconsin Veterans’ Memorial Cemetery (Spooner), on Saturday December 18th 2021. Pictured L – R: Dennis R. Nelson (WI President AFVC), Grace Lindenfelser, Kristen Brenenstall, Marilyn LaPorte (WI Secretary/Treasurer AFVC), Savannah Brenenstall, Sue Lindenfelser & Kathy Nelson.
AFVC Membership Donation Drive
Letter from AFVC Secretary Marilyn LaPorte
Don’t forget! AFVC scholarship applications are due to me (Marilyn LaPorte) by June 14!
Your Armed Forces Veterans’ Club had a small, but dedicated, group of volunteers who traveled to the Northern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery, in Spooner (December 19th), to help place wreaths on veterans’ grave markers. We were able to maintain “social distancing” while also achieving a “connection” with those who have sacrificed to preserve our Nations’ freedom. I would like to publicly express my thanks; to the AFVC members and guests, who attended this event, and especially to those veterans who were honored, in their final resting place.
We may wish it were possible to just forget about all of the tragedy, we witnessed in 2020, but there are some things that should always be remembered. While this has been a year of “uncertainty” I hope there is one thing we can all agree on – we must remain absolutely steadfast, in our support of our Country’s military service members and veterans!
Dennis R. Nelson, President AFVC
Pictured, by our banner: (left to right) Kathy & Dennis R. Nelson, Marilyn LaPorte, Jim Loenser, Grace & Sue Lindenfelser, Kristen & Savannah Brenenstall.
In Memory- In 2014 at the Midstates Conference in Duluth MN, then Secretary/Treasurer Ron Berg tracked me down on a break. He gave me a small (3 x 5) yellow card and directed me to “talk to the guy at the table in the hall.” That card was for the Armed Forces Veterans’ Club and that guy was past National Secretary/Treasurer Jerry Sullivan. The yellow card was a membership card for Curtis Bender. Jerry gave me the information for Wisconsin to form a State chapter of the AFVC. The Club was chartered at Grapevine Texas in August 2014. Curtis came to be known as the number one member of the Wisconsin Armed Forces Veterans’ Club.
Fast forward six years. On September 16, 2020, I received a call that Curtis had passed away. During those six years, Curtis was a steadfast and generous member of the Club. He was a giant of a man, both physically and in spirit. Curtis and his wife Bonnie always donated to Club fundraisers and to the PAC auction. They always had time to visit with folks and a good story to share. He was somewhat embarrassed that I wanted to name an additional scholarship in his honor. His grandson Devin was “so honored to receive a scholarship named after my Grandpa, so cool.”
Cards may be sent to Bonnie and the family at N606 County Road M Cambria, WI 53923.
You will be missed, my friend. SEMPER FI.
It is with sad regret that Curtis Bender, a charter member of the AFVC passed away on September 14, 2020.
Cards may be sent to the family at Bonnie Bender N606 County Road M Cambria WI 53923.
Armed Forces Veterans’ Club-Special meeting 6.27.20
Pictured (left to right) are: Secretary/Treasurer – Marilyn LaPorte, Lucille Dobbe, Vice President -Roger Dobbe, Frances Smidt, Kathy Nelson and President -Dennis R. Nelson
I would like to provide all WIRCLA members with an update on the Wisconsin AFVC status. This is turning out to be a very challenging year for our organization. Every event that we normally have has been cancelled. This includes county meetings, the Spring Conference, Mid-States in Illinois, our State Convention in Dubuque, and the National Convention in Spokane, Washington. We look forward each year to seeing friends and acquaintances from all over our state at in state events, and from around the country at other events.
Casualties of not having these meetings are renewals of friendships and renewal of memberships. The Wisconsin AFVC is not immune from this phenomenon. Our membership numbers had climbed to 63 last year, and we had hopes of reaching 100 members in 2020. At the time of this writing we are currently at 53 members. Many members renew at the State Convention, which as stated before will not happen this year. Renewal will have to be by mail if we are to reach our number from last year. It is easier to join and to encourage people to join when it can be done face to face, but that will not be possible this year.
As a reminder, all WIRLCA members and their spouses are eligible to join the AFVC. Veterans are considered full members, and all others are associate members. Associate members have equal rights with the full members, meaning voting rights on elections and constitution changes, the right to serve on committees, and eligibility to hold offices.
Because our annual meeting is normally held during our State Convention, and because the State Convention was cancelled, a meeting of the AFVC was held at noon on Saturday, June 27th at the Wisconsin Veterans’ Tribute in Cadott, Wisconsin. This meeting was announced on the WIRLCA website. Our primary reason for holding this meeting is to pick the 2020 scholarship winners as well as the raffle winners.
The winner of the Curtis Bender Honorary Scholarship for 2020 is Joe Schlies, sponsored by Nancy Schlies.
Other Winners are: Sponsored by:
Bricken Brown Joanne Licari-Brown
Amanda Neitzel Robin Resch
Alexandria Stone Lynn Stone
Coryn Davidson Vicki Galgowski
Andrew Looker David Looker
Connor Jaloszynski Roger Dobbe
Alexandra Kalmon Lucille Dobbe
Kristine McCann Linda Gneiser
Hannah Panzer Jacob Susa
Devin Bender Curtis Bender
Hunter Lazar Shelia Lazar
Frank Lazar Shelia Lazar
Kaylene Nicolet Frances Smidt
Madeline Jaloszynski Roger & Lucy Dobbe
The winners of the raffle drawings are:
The cribbage board-Linda Gneiser
Puzzle box-Eileen McNitt
Again, membership dues are $10.00 per year, WIRLCA members and their spouses are eligible to join, and dues can be mailed to our Secretary/Treasurer, Marilyn LaPorte, at PO Box 591, Spooner, Wisconsin 54801-2591.
Thank you, Roger L. Dobbe
Wisconsin AFVC Vice President
Wisconsin Armed Forces Veterans’ Club meeting
The AFVC Officers have scheduled a meeting, at noon on Saturday June 27th. Anyone, who wishes to attend, should congregate at the “Wisconsin Veterans’ Tribute” sign located at the junction of Highway 29 & Hwy 27 in Cadott, Wisconsin. The Tribute is adjacent to the River County Plaza Truck Stop (you will be able to easily identify the site by the vast number of flags).
The primary purpose of this meeting is to conduct the drawing for the 2020 scholarship winners. IMPORTANT: Scholarship applications must be received by Secretary/Treasurer Marilyn LaPorte no later than Friday June 26th (no exceptions, can be accommodated). Her address is: PO Box 591 Spooner WI 54801-0591.
In a “normal” year, many of our members would simply hand-deliver their scholarship applications to Marilyn, during our State Convention. I think we can all agree that this year is anything – but – normal! Please, mail your applications as soon as possible. Also, make sure that you have paid your AFVC annual dues ($10) and purchase some tickets for the raffle items (which may be viewed on this website). Thanks. I hope to see you in Cadott, on June 27th.
Dennis R. Nelson, President – Wisconsin Armed Forces Veterans’ Club
AFVC 2020 Raffle-Wisconsin Armed Forces Veterans Club
By now I’m sure most of you are as tired as I am of “social distancing”. Strange that wasn’t part of our vocabulary not long ago. Since that is the new norm, I would like to take a few moments to share with you some of the recent happenings within our AFVC.
Due to the distancing, all of you know that our State Convention has been cancelled. But the new year for the Club will continue to be June 30. Annual letters will be sent out as in the past. However, I would appreciate it if you could mail your dues in as soon as possible. Now before you mail those dues, please take time to recruit a new member. It could be someone in your office or someone you have met at a conference or county meeting in the past.
President Nelson spoke in a past article about this. Our goal is to reach 100 members. If we accomplish this, Wisconsin will be entitled to a free scholarship at the National level.
In regards to the scholarships, yes, we will be awarding them again this year. As you may recall from our Constitution, we will award up to 75% of our bank balance as of May 31. Your next question might be “How are you going to come up with the money?” This year we will be having an online raffle! Up for chances are a military cribbage board and a puzzle box.
You may purchase as many tickets as you wish. Simply mail your money with your membership dues and your tickets will be sent to you along with your new membership card. Remember these raffles are not limited to Club members. Talk it up in your office and encourage your co workers to check out the photos and buy tickets. Price will be 6 tickets for $5.00.
In following the guidelines of the State Board, all of the current officers for the Club will remain in place. We plan (hope) to meet around the end of June in as yet to be determined place.
We will take care of any pressing business and draw the scholarship winners. If any Club member wishes to attend and be an observer please contact an officer and we will let you know when we choose a location for the meeting and set the time. All are welcome to attend.
Hopefully by the time you are reading this social distancing will be relaxed a bit and we will be able to meet again. Looks strange to end an article without “Hope to see you at a meeting soon”. I’m looking forward to that day.
Marilyn LaPorte
AFVC Secretary/Treasurer
Armed Forces Veterans Club
Welcome to the Armed Forces Veterans’ Club! I’m going to attempt to address some questions/concerns, which you may have about membership in this group.
The Armed Forces Veterans Club was organized at the National Convention in Baltimore Maryland on August 24, 1932. We are officially known as the Armed Forces Veterans Club of the National Rural Letter Carriers Association. Things have changed a lot since that time. We have been involved in an additional World War and several other conflicts (Korean War, Vietnam, Persian Gulf and the War on Terror). Through all of this the Club has remained steadfast.
We, currently, have 63 members. About 1/4th of our members are veterans (this is similar to the percentage of veterans within the Postal Service). This past year, we had 14 members who didn’t renew their membership. I’m hoping that these non-renewals were simply an oversight? But, if they are the result of dissatisfaction with the Club, we will definitely try to “correct the situation”. I am encouraging every WIRLCA member, and their spouses, to join and continue to be a valuable part of our Club.
We want to transform the Club into…whatever the membership desires. Following Fridays’ business session, at the State Convention, we will meet to award scholarships (VP Roger Dobbe provided details, about this process, in the previous edition of our State newsletter), elect Officers and resolve any issues. I hope that all of our members (and potential members) attend this meeting, offer their suggestions and are included in a group photo – have you seen the picture (at <> and in the Jan/Feb edition of our National magazine) of your AFVC members, who honored veterans during the annual Wreaths Across America event?
Here’s what you’ll want to do: Mail your $10 check to Marilyn (address below). Or, you may, sign-up at the Spring Conference or your County meeting (WIRLCA Officers will have membership cards). Those who initially join, during the Spring, receive the added benefit – of a few months of “free” membership, for rest of this “membership year”. The AFVC “membership year” runs from July 1st through June 30th. You, and your spouse (if both are members) will then qualify to submit applications, for this year’s scholarship drawing, at the State Convention.
Here’s why you want to join: (1) If we are able to increase our membership to 100 (a reasonable goal?) one additional kid/grand kid will be eligible to receive a scholarship, at the National Convention. (2) Pride. I know that all of us have a deep appreciation for our Veterans and would like to assist our youngsters, in their pursuit of a higher education. Pride…I feel it, and I want the rest of my Rural Letter Carrier family to experience it, too.
Dennis R. Nelson, President-AFVC
Armed Forces Veterans’ Club/Wreaths Across America December 14, 2019
Pictured l-r are: Dennis Nelson (President), Eileen McNitt, Marilyn
LaPorte (Secretary/Treasurer), Jim Loenser, Sue Lindenfelser, Kristen
Brenenstall and Kathy Nelson.
Marilyn and Kristen placed wreaths on the grave markers of several individuals, throughout the cemetery, and the rest of us distributed wreaths, which were donated by Bergmann Greenhouses (Clayton , WI).
It was cold…but our veterans have always performed their duties -without regard to weather conditions, so while this tribute to them isn’t sufficient…it did serve to express our appreciation for their efforts, in defense of our Nations’ freedom!
Denny Nelson-President, WIRLCA AFVC
Another example of proud rural carriers giving back to the community


Vice President-AFVC
