Author: admin
RRECS Mini Mail Survey
The next RRECS Mini Mail Survey will be held August 25-September 8, 2023. Only Random Letters and Flats, Walking Distances, PARS Labels and recurring Miscellaneous Activity not captured by the automated standards, will be measured or counted Carriers Working Over the Evaluated Hours on Overburdened 48K Routes If you areRead More
Fall Seminar Meeting Dates
2023 Regional Meetings Final
New EMA Rate Effective July 1, 2023 (Pay Period 15-23)
Go to the ‘Financials Page’ for more details
This PowerPoint presentation has been added to the RRECS/Mail count page.
From the National Office
On June 2, 2023, the USPS and NRLCA agreed to modify two pre-arbitration settlements,specifically case #C95R-4C-C98023318, which involves compensation for rural carriers when required to perform an additional trip to the street due tomail that could not be accommodated on the first trip, either due to the volume of mailRead More
ON THE NRLCA WEBSITE-Alternate dispute resolution process
NEW: Rural Route Evaluation Dispute Process The U.S. Postal Service and the NRLCA have agreed to an alternate dispute resolution process in an effort to resolve disputes outside the grievance process. Below you will find a memorandum of understanding that outlines the process to be used to resolve disputes, alongRead More
UPDATE: Second Trip Compensation
UPDATE to Second Trip Compensation:
Updated Rural Route Edit Book Maintenace Instructions
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National Convention Room Block now open
2023 Room Block Now Open The official room block for the 117th NRLCA National Convention in Grand Rapids, Michigan is now open! Act fast! The special NRLCA group room rate of $139/night (single/quad) is only available until the room block closes on July 24, 2023 or until the block sellsRead More
Mid-States News
From President Smidt- I just wanted to pass along some information as I have had some carriers inquire about midstates and wanted to attend. I did reach out to the President of the Kansas RLCA on this matter and he informed me that the deadline printed on the registration formRead More