NRLCA to Serve as National Partner in Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive on Saturday, May 11

The NRLCA proudly continues its support of the National Association of Letter Carriers’ (NALC) annual Food Drive on Saturday, May 11, 2024.

 The NRLCA will assist NALC and the drive’s other co-sponsors in promoting the volunteer collection of non-perishable food, encourage participation by rural carriers in the effort, and help deliver donations to local food banks, pantries and shelters. In connection with our partnership, the NRLCA logo will appear on all national publications and other promotional materials of the drive. The NRLCA is proud to align ourselves with such a noble and distinguished cause.

As always, participation in the drive is strictly voluntary. All rural carriers have a right not to participate unless given a direct order. If required to participate involuntarily, management must compensate the carrier in some way. We encourage each of you to consider the good that occurs through this endeavor and participate if possible.

As rural carriers, we often see firsthand the needs of the communities we deliver to, and we’re honored to be able to help those in need. Thank you to all the rural carriers who participate in this annual event and help to make it such a success! We know it is very demanding but ultimately very rewarding.

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