From the National Office-ATTENTION RURAL CARRIERS: Mapping is the MOST important thing you can do to ensure you are properly compensated!

Rural Carriers: Do you have growth on your route? Have you done your updates to your edit book? Are you making sure the managers are complying with the AMS Edit Book Maintenance SWI? (posted on the RRECS Training tab)  Are you requiring your managers to, in your presence, log into Delivery Point Manager (DPM), click “Download,” plot missing deliveries, view/clear issues, and submit? After allowing 10-15 minutes for DPM processing, is your supervisor/designee logging into Line of Travel Manager (LTM) in your presence, selecting “Partial Review,” verifying/plotting Traffic Control Points (TCPs), then submitting and certifying each month? Then once DPM and LTM are finalized, your supervisor/designee MUST initial the DPM and LTM portions of the AMS Edit Book Activity Log. Is that all happening??

Mapping is the most important thing you can do to ensure that you are being properly compensated.  If your route isn’t mapped correctly, the breadcrumbs will not record. There may be errors in the DPM and LTM, your coverage factor could be affected. Are all the active boxes showing active or are they inactive? You could be losing money by not making sure everything is up to date and correct. This is not the old system where carriers sometime only updated the edit book when they were close to an hour change or at an old count period. If you have that attitude now, you are deflating your route evaluation, and potentially your check!

For more information go to

If the edit book, the DMP and LTM are not being updated and your manager will not update the systems, contact your District Representative or Assistant District Representative!

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