Mid-States News

From President Smidt-

I just wanted to pass along some information as I have had some carriers inquire about midstates and wanted to attend.  I did reach out to the President of the Kansas RLCA on this matter and he informed  me that the deadline printed on the registration form (April 1) was an error in print as that was supposed to be the deadline for the hotel room rates.  Members are still able to register and to attend… Kansas will be accepting registrations at the door and also via email by completing the registration form and emailing it to BOTH the secretary and president at these email addresses: dtroutman94@att.net   skborne19@yahoo.com    

The conference site hotel is fully booked but the backup hotel -Fremont may still have rooms available but would be at their regular rate or government rate.  He said there are also several other hotels in the vicinity.  As far as meals–there were some available yet but those numbers had to be to the caterer already so most likely not able to add meals at this time unless no shows and change of plans for pre-registered but that would be determined later.
I have attached the agenda although I am sure most of you have already gotten it but to simplify having it all in the same spot I included it here.
Safe travels everyone and see you all next week.

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