USPS Health Benefits Plan for Non-Career Employees

USPS Health Benefits Plan for Non-Career Employees (RCAs)

 The USPS Health Benefits Plan (USPSHB) is open to non-career employees, including RCAs.


To be eligible for USPS Health Benefits (USPSHB) Plan enrollment you must meet one of these requirements:

  • Be a City Carrier Assistant (CCA), Mail Handler Assistant (MHA), Postal Support Employee (PSE), non-career rural carrier (except ARCs), or non-bargaining non-career employee (except holiday term employees and casuals)
  • Be a casual employee and also meet the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) definition of a full-time employee by averaging 30 paid hours per week over a measurement period.

CareFirst Blue Cross Blue Shield is the plan administrator for the USPS Health Benefit Plan. Plan information regarding benefits, participating providers, and other resources is available at For more details and premium information, please see

You can enroll or increase your coverage tier during the following opportunities:

  • the annual Open Season, which runs from Monday, November 14 through Monday, December 12, 2022
  • Within 60 days of when you are hired or newly eligible for the USPSHB Plan
  • Within 60 days of a Qualifying Life Event

For an overview of what the USPS Health Benefits Plan covers and your share of health care cost, please see the Summary of Benefits and Coverage for the USPS Health Benefits Plan (SBC).

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